One of the most typical sweets of Lunigiana is definitely the Buccellato.
Eggs, together with flour, butter, sugar and milk, give this recipe the authentic taste of home preparations, those flavors that make us return to our childhood.
Prepared by grandmothers to sweeten the breakfast of children who go to school or to be enjoyed with the family during the most important holidays, especially during the Easter period.
There are many regional variations of the recipe, but the shape conventionally recognized throughout Italy is only one: the donut!

200 gr of white flour
50 gr of potato starch
150 gr of sugar
100 gr of butter + a piece for the mold
3 whole eggs
70 gr of pine nuts
1 sachet of vanilla yeast
100 gr of milk
1 pinch of salt
powder sugar
Once the dough is fluid and without lumps, add the pine nuts (excellent the variant with juice and grated orange peel) and pour it into a pan with a hole. Cook at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Finally, sprinkle it with plenty of powder sugar.

Enjoy your meal!